Excited to welcome Vornex back as a silver partner for Testing Talks Online!

Excited to welcome Vornex back as a silver partner for Testing Talks Online!

30 March 2021

Excited to welcome Vornex back as a silver partner for Testing Talks Online!

The amazing team at Vornex are behind TimeShiftX. TimeShiftX is an industry-leading data simulation tool that allows users to time travel software into the future or past for temporal testing of all data and time-sensitive functionality without changing system clocks, editing code, or isolating servers.

Having personally used TimeShiftX I can proudly say that it was super handy in controlling the system clocks on our team's virtual machines (used for testing). By being able to speed up time by 10x we could process and simulate a day of data in 1/10 the time.

TimeShiftX enabled us to test some really complex scenarios and find some great defects in our test systems before they go on to impact our customers in production.