Power your automation using AI

  • In this talk, Anand will showcase how to implement cutting-edge technologies powered by AI in your automated tests. Attendees will learn how to leverage ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot to create effective and reliable tests, and how to scale test validation and execution using Applitools AI Powered Execution Cloud.

    In addition, the talk will cover how to eliminate test flakiness using Self Healing, resulting in more stable and efficient test automation.

    The talk will feature a live demo with teswiz, ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, and Applitools Execution Cloud.

    Takeaways for attendees:
    - Utilize ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot to create reliable and effective tests, which can help improve overall test coverage and reduce the manual effort required for testing.
    - Use Applitools Execution Cloud to scale test execution, enabling you to run your tests faster and more efficiently.
    - Implement Self Healing to eliminate test flakiness and ensure stable and consistent test results.
    - Explore teswiz, a testing framework that integrates Applitools Visual AI and other advanced technologies, to ease and optimize your test automation implementation and execution.
    - Learn about the latest trends and advancements in testing technologies and methodologies to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.