Brenden Heinitz

  • Brenden Heinitz

    Senior Consultant

    Test & Quality Assurance Leader for large multimillion dollar projects throughout the globe including 11 countries within Europe, America, APAC, and Australia. 15+ years in the industry, whilst based in Germany, has experience across multiple areas of testing and quality assurance in the Banking, Finance and Insurance industry from Allianz, Volkswagen Finance & Toyota Finance Australia.

    Brenden’s experience spans delivering multiple projects as part of an enterprises program of work successfully bringing together key decision makers and stakeholders, implementing methods to reduce conflict and change resistance, gaining overall organisational acceptance and business buy-in, and working across multiple roles, cultural differences, and language barriers to optimize results.

    Over his career has successfully driven higher levels of teamwork to enable more effective problem solving and solutions fit-for-purpose. Brenden engages all areas of IT and related business units, technical teams, mid-management, and C-levels providing actionable insight, strategies for effective communication on complex challenges, and understanding the business value when improving their testing and assurance capability and enhancing their overall test maturity.

    Today, Brenden helps organizations transform their testing efforts implementing strategy, test maturity assessments, recommendations, business value analysis, review of requirements, application of methodologies, change management and managing cultural change.