Cameron Bradley

  • Cameron Bradley

    QA Practice Lead

    I began my career as a software engineer working across iOS and Web. During this time I discovered a passion for ensuring what we develop is being delivered with quality and speed to our customers. I followed this passion and shifted my career to focus on improving the quality function.

    Some Highlights from my career to date include:

    - Top nominee for Best Agile Test Team in the world (A global competition - judged by our peers) - we were alongside such global companies as Google, Microsoft and Amazon.
    - Grown and expanded a QA Practice from Digital Melbourne (3 testers - 6 projects) to an Enterprise-wide (Wagering, Gaming, Lotteries & Keno, and Corporate) function with over 100+ testers across - 64 high-level projects.
    - Produced incredible quality and automation testing results that lead to investment, project growth, and expansion in the quality function.
    - Supported a culture of embedding QA's in projects - Creating experts of championing world-leading quality best practices among the team.
    - Ran and organised automation training sessions to up-skill, retain our talent and support our automation goals (Espresso, Calabash, Cucumber, Protractor, Cypress and XCUITEST)
    - Automation (developed by testers and developers) correctly executing in CI - on pull request - passing before merge to develop/master codebase.
    - Represented the team's QA Transformation and achievements at conferences and events both locally and abroad.
    - Engineering leadership and level of understanding of automation frameworks & systems - developed from working across projects on the tool with the team.
    - Proven engineering leadership on implementation of new automation framework with the team.
    - Founded Testing Talks Conference, Testing Talks Online & Testing Talks Hub.