Jithesh Pothera
- Test Automation Engineer
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"What a day at the #TestingTalks2019. Insightful and interesting talks on various topics related to #testing. Proud to have won the prize for Bug hunt!!! Thanks Cameron Bradley and team."
Dr Tafline Ramos
- Global Practice Director of Quality
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Loving the practical and amazingly successful live demos of various automation tools and frameworks at the #testingtalks2019 conference in Melbourne!"
Phuong Mai Nguyen
- Consultant Developer
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Great talks, great food and awesome vibe at #testingtalks2019"
Ramandeep Kaur
- Senior Quality Analyst
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Testing Talks Conference!! Such an amazing opportunity to be a part of it with practical takeaways to apply at the workplace !! Kudos to the organizers and speakers.. #testing_talks #testing #testingtools"
Arun Sivasubramar
- Software Engineer
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"What a great joy to be presenting at Testing Talks 2019 about #puppeteer we use at carsales.com.au to a very enthusiastic audience of #qa, #devs, #businessanalysts and more!! Great job Cameron Bradley organizing this event, excellent talks and fantastic food too haha!"
Priyanka Patankar
- Quality Analyst
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"What a great experience!! Attending Testing Talks #testingtalks2019 conference today! Thanks Andrew Morrison for the opportunity and great job Cameron Bradley organizing such an amazing conference."
Sakina Abedi
- QA Analyst
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"When you finally meet your mentor in person, after all those chats! Congratulations! What an insightful conference! Looking forward to many more! #TestingTalks2019 Cameron Bradley"
Tom Saunders
- Principle Consultant
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Fantastic day so far at the Testing Talks Conference 2019. It's great speaking with such a diverse group of companies and people, discussing all things testing! Excited for the guest speakers this afternoon! #testingtalks2019"
Michelle Munden
- Talent Acquisition Partner
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Great fun with the Tabcorp team at Testing Talks today! Shout out to Cameron Bradley you did an amazing job!"
Kanika Pandey
- Head of APAC
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Cameron Bradley has raised the bar very high with Testing Talks conference and we absolutely loved being a part of it. Thanks Cam! Well done. #TestingTalks2019"
Devinder Singh
- Senior Quality Analyst
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Testing Talks Conference was a big hit today #big #hit #testing #kudos to #Cameron Bradley and the team in putting up a world class testing #conference"
Jet Liu
- QA Practice Lead
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"An amazing day might look like: * Presenting in front of 200 professionals * Sharing some of our success at UniSuper in our tech transformation journey * Learning from the gurus in the industry * Hanging out with colleagues and friends! I had an amazing day!! #TestingTalks2019 #Unisuper #conferences"
Natasha Simitci
- Account Executive
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Jet Liu, very engaging talk on Infrastructure and Environment Testing! #TestingTalks #Kudos"
Alfred Glickman
- Full-Stack Software Engineer
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Really insightful and in-depth presentation on the various front end testing frameworks at Testing Talks conference by Aram Kocharyan!"
Aswin Golla
- Senior Automation Engineer
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Amazing conference in 2019! 1. Panel 2 Workshops 6 Talks 200+ Attendees 2. Well engaged audience 3. Learning and sharing the best practices from each other 4. Showcase the success stories 5. Key takeaways to participants to initiate at work #testingtalksconference2019 #qa #tabcorp"
Vikas Joshi
- Test Automation Engineer
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Collect STAG stickers at Testing Talks 2019 an event very well organised! Cheers Cameron Bradley & team! Software Test Automation Group [STAG] proud promoter of #TestingTalks2019 - good food & food-for-thought!"
Kanika Pandey
- Head of APAC
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Amongst the many things different about this event was the careful due diligence of food, speaker selection and validation that their topic has good content along with nice games to ensure all sponsors get their ROI"
Thomas Foreman
- Principle - AI, ML & Cognitive Automation
Testing Talks Conference 2019 Melbourne
"Looking forward to some interesting talks today at #testingtalks2019 on #UIautomation #testing #puppeteer #agile #CICD #QAtesting"